Flatlay of a camera and accessories with an uplifting quote saying "Proceed as if success is inevitable.

In today’s digital age, sharing your creative work isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a budding hobbyist, showcasing your talent can open doors to countless opportunities. That’s where Flip Runway comes in. With our platform, we offer you the stage to shine.

Female artist holding a vintage-style camera, ready to capture creativity.
Meet the modern-day Paintpreneur®—camera in hand, creativity in focus.

Why You Should Share Your Work

Sharing your work does more than just fill your social media feed; it builds your brand. Here’s why you should consider sharing your work:

  • Exposure: The more people see your work, the more recognition you gain.
  • Networking: Connect with other artists, potential clients, and even future collaborators.
  • Skill Improvement: Feedback from the community can help you refine your skills.
  • Personal Growth: Sharing can be a big step, but it’s also a rewarding one.
  • Be Featured: Get your work showcased in The Paintpreneur® Newsletter and/or The Paintpreneur®  Blog.
Black and white shot of a Canon camera placed on a stack of art-style books.
Where technology meets artistry—a Canon camera atop a curated stack of art books.

How to Share Your Work on Flip Runway’s Platforms

Uploading your work to our platform is a breeze, are you ready to get tagged too! We’ve chosen WeTransfer as our go-to platform for you to share your masterpieces. It’s secure, easy, and free! Here’s your quick guide:

  1. Visit our WeTransfer upload page.
  2. Upload your images, videos, and files, etc. The portal can accept an unlimited number of images and videos. While high-resolution is not mandatory, better quality is always a plus!
  3. In the message area, please include the following:
    • Your full name
    • The full URL of your social media profiles
    • Your business name
    • List the products you’ve used. Tell us which brands you’ve used in your project—whether it’s Fusion Mineral Paint, Fusion Milk Paint, Cling On and Staalmeester, or any other brands. We’re interested in all brands, not just the ones we distribute.
  4. Want to be featured on our blog? If you’d like a chance to showcase your work, provide some bullet points or an outline of your creative process. We can create a blog post for you if we have clear and high-quality images, information about the products you used, and a simple step-by-step guide.
  5. Hit ‘Submit,’ and you’re golden!
 Flatlay featuring a modern black and white coffee cup with the text "Your Golden Quote" and assorted magazines.
Sip inspiration from this chic coffee cup flatlay, perfect for your morning read of The Paintpreneur® Newsletter.


So, you’ve got the talent, and we’ve got the platform. It’s a match made in creative heaven! Don’t let your art gather digital dust. Share it with the world and let it do the talking. Whether you’re a Fusion Mineral Paint aficionado or a Flip Runway Awards superstar, your work deserves to be seen, appreciated, and yes, even critiqued. After all, every like, share, and comment is a step closer to your next big break.

Bright modern flatlay featuring a camera and a white keyboard.
Capture and compose—your creative toolkit for success with Flip Runway’s Digital Marketing Resources.


Stay connected with the latest trends, inspiration, and expert insights in the decorative furniture paint industry. Our weekly emails are packed with valuable content designed to empower and support your Paintpreneur® journey. It’s more than an email—it’s your secret weapon in the furniture paint industry!

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